- Include the Flex libraries in your -library-path argument (i.e. flex.swc, rpc.swc, framework.swc, utilities.swc). Without this I was getting errors from asdoc not being able to find some of the standard classes.
- Check your code! Some of the errors I was getting were actually problems that just weren't throwing errors (some of my event dispatching classes were not extending EventDispatcher, this threw lots of errors whenever asdoc encountered dispatchEvent )
- Give your -source-path as the root of your application but use -doc-sources to list only those folders you actually want documenting
For reference here is my very simple ANT script for generating my ASDocs:
[code language="xml"]
<project name="ASDoc Build Script" default="main" >
Read in the properties file which contains the locations
for all paths referred to here
<property file="asdoc.properties" />
Main Target:
Cleans and compiles ASDocs with a log
<target name="main" depends="clean, log, create-docs" />
Delete and recreate the asdoc output directory
<target name="clean" >
<delete dir="${output.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${output.dir}" />
Run asdoc.exe on the source documents passing all required
parameters to asdoc
<target name="create-docs" >
<exec executable="${asdoc.exe}" failonerror="true" >
<arg line="-source-path '${root_src}' " />
<arg line="-doc-sources '${framework_src}' '${actionscripts_src}' " />
<arg line="-library-path '${irmds_library.dir}' '${flex_library.dir}'" />
<arg line="-main-title '${main.title}'" />
<arg line="-window-title '${window.title}'" />
<arg line="-output '${output.dir}'" />
Write out a log file
<target name="log" >
<record name="${output.dir}/asdoc-log.txt" action="start" append="true" />